Er. Mayur Jadhav is one of the very well known name in the Nashik Construction Industry with an experience of 5 and more years. He has been continuously working in the construction activities and he is a specialist in providing solutions to all construction problems. He is also known for providing his PMC consultancy for various industries in Nashik Gonde MIDC.
Founder and Director: GMS ENGINEERS
Address: Corporate :- 06, Alina Park, Kewal Park, B/H Hindustan Bakery, DGP Nagar - Ambad Link Road, Nashik - 422010 Reg. Address :- 125 Manur, Manur Gaon, Post Madsangavi, Dist. Nashik - 422010Contact No.+91-9307744266 / +91-9588607297 / +91-8446511123
Email: gmsengineersnashik@gmail.com